iPhone style status bar replacement with iOS 7 style. It is best when used with iLauncher.
* Calendar is only supported on Android >= 4.0.
* Tablet is not supported.
* Consequent swipe down after the status bar pulled down will show the original status bar. This may be useful to access the original status bar's system controls. (Accessibility service should be enabled to use this feature.)iPhone风格更换状态栏与iOS 7风格。最好是用iLauncher。
*日历只支持在Android> = 4.0。
*因之刷卡下来后,在状态栏拉下来,将显示的原始状态栏。访问原来的状态栏的系统控制,这可能是有用的。 (无障碍服务应该能够使用此功能。)